Dec 9, 2007

Muslims and ICT [Information & Communication Technology]
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a neutral entity which relies in totality with users to give it meaning, purpose and direction. However, it must be seen as a strength which complements our role and responsibilities as leaders and workers of Islam. Information is a common factor in both fields Da'wah and Technology, thus, ICT and its infrastructure should be considered as a factor in the equation of our duties in the Masjids, schools and organizations. The main Islamic principles should be taken as guidelines for laying the foundation of Islamic code of practice in ICT.

As a result, it is significant for Muslim to be well equipped with today's technology so that he/she will not be left behind or even fooled by other people. The knowledge of ICT is a must which every Muslim should have. As a wise saying goes ' A country with advanced ICT will lead the world'. However, as a vicegerent on earth, Muslims should be in the front line in inventing, utilizing, creating and improving this technology for the betterment of human (ummah). It is a responsibility of every Muslim to make the world better place for mankind and to please the Al-Mighty GOD.